The death of George Floyd was a terrible tragedy.

The death of George Floyd was a terrible tragedy​

The death of George Floyd was a terrible tragedy.

It rightfully triggered cries throughout our country and world for justice.

We grieve with our country after his death, as we did with the similar tragic deaths of African Americans before him.

Multicultural hands interlocking

Until our country takes responsibility for the past, and commits to a future with equality and justice, the list of names may never end.

The systemic racism and inequality which has long plagued our country must be stopped.

We see your pain. 

We see your suffering.  

We see your fear. 

We understand that you are hurting.

VIVA stands together with you for change.

Darkness cannot drive out darkness;

only light can do that.  Hate cannot

drive out hate; only love can do that.

-Martin Luther King Jr

Shea and Emily are amazing therapists. They have our daughter completing tasks doctors said she would never be capable of."
